Netro Support: Mail Server Settings

Netro Webmail
Available from any modern web browser and Internet connection that supports secure connections:

Mail Client Settings

Mail client configuration:
- Apple iOS Mail (iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch)
- Apple MacOS Mail (e.g. MacBook & iMac)
- Google Android gmail (e.g. Pixel, LG, Motorola Moto, Samsung Galaxy)
- Microsoft Mail
- Microsoft Outlook
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Netro Webmail (e.g. Netro, Gmail, & Yahoo)

Microsoft Windows Live Mail is discontinued and no longer supported,
migrate to a current mail client such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Mail or Outlook, instructions shown above.

Wikipedia: email client also known as email software, reader, Mail User Agent (MUA) or application ("App").
Email Client Market Share shows popular mail clients.
Wikipedia: Comparison of email clients

Mail Server Information
Server type: POP3 (Post Office Protocol)
Incoming Mail (POP3):
- Port: 995 or 110*
- Username: userid (excluding the domain "")
- Password: ************ (Note: Case sensitive)
Please make sure your login details are correct to avoid being blocked by our Firewall.

Outgoing Mail (SMTP):
- Port 465 or 587*
- Password authentication required, use same login details as incoming mail, also known as:
- Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
- External access customers: (check with your ISP) e.g.

- For security unencrypted POP (Post Office Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  and HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) are no longer supported.
- POP3S/SMTPS/HTTPS (note the "S" suffix for secure) encrypts data in transit using
  TLS (Transport Layer Security), preventing passwords and sensitive information from being
  transmitted openly over the Internet in plain text to our mail server's, such as from an
  insecure public Wi-Fi hotspot.
- Proprietary connections such as Microsoft Secure Password Authentication (SPA) are not supported.
* Please note STARTTLS (POP/SMTP port 110/587) is not as secure as (POP3S/SMTPS ports 465/995).
- Outdated SSL 2/3 connections are not supported, visit:

- Post Office Protocol (POP)
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP)
- Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
- HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) (including predecessor Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
* Opportunistic TLS e.g. STARTTLS & STRIPTLS vulnerability.
- Email encryption in transit
- Secure Password Authentication (SPA)

Mail Server Policy
Various restrictions have been implemented on the Netro mail server
to ensure performance, improve security and reduce unsolicited email (SPAM)

Mail Size Limits
Mailbox Total: 1 GB
Per Message: 25 MB (up to 40 MB in Beta)

Please note:
- Email is not designed for large file transfers, consider using SFTP, FTPS; or
  a file hosting service such as Apple iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.
- Attachments are normally Base64 MIME encoded, which adds approx 37% to the original file size.
- Some webmail providers and organisations may only have a 10 MB attachment limit,
  therefore the total attachment size should be less than 7 MB
- Mail clients such as Outlook have a 20 MB attachment limit, unless increased via settings or registry.
- Large attachments can take a while to upload, depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

Transfer time
Wikipedia: Email attachment
Wikipedia: Comparison of Webmail Providers
Wikipedia: Comparison of File Hosting Providers

Mail Time Limits
POP clients (eg Outlook): None, providing account is current.
Webmail client: None, except Trash folder purged after 3 months (92 days)

Sender Restrictions
- Hostname must be valid
- FQDN (Fully Quantified Domain Name) must be specified
- Domain must resolve
- Domain must have reverse lookup
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record checked

RBL (Real-time Black list)
Must not be listed in a RBL such as Spamcop

Recipient Restrictions
Non "" address recipients must be configured on our system, including
- Valid MX (Mail Exchange) record
- Listed as virtual domain
- Email addresses must be mapped to a local mailboxes in the virtual address table

Related Links
Mail FAQ
Spam Filtering
Abuse /Relaying
Realtime Black Listing
Microsoft Windows

Updated Aug-23