Netro Support: Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook normally comes bundled with Microsoft Office

Getting Starting
Click Start button.
- Click Office icon

Please note not all the (Outlook 2016) screenshots below will apply, depending on if new/existing account is being setup/modified.
1. File, Info, Account Settings, Account Settings (dropdown box):

Add Account

1a. If you selected "Add Account" above instead, select: Connect to a different account.

Add Account

2. Email (First tab), select New or Change (Jump to Step 3.)

Email Accounts

2a. Select: Manual setup or additional server types

Account Setup

2b. Select: POP or IMAP

Account Type

3. User Information
- Your Name: Replace example with your real name
- Email address: Replace example with your correct email address
Server Information:
- Account Type: POP3 - Incoming mail server:
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
Logon Information
- User Name: Replace example userid with yours, excluding the domain "")
- Password: ******* (Note: Case sensitive)

POP settings

4. More Settings ..., Outgoing Server
- Tick: My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication

Outgoing Server

5. Advanced:
Server Port Numbers:
- Incoming server (POP3): 995 (not 110)
- Tick: This server required an encrypted connection (SSL)
- Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 or 587 (not as secure), not 25
- Use the following type of encryted connection: SSL or TLS (uses STARTTLS, not as secure)
- Remove from server after 1 days


6. Finish


Enable logging (troubleshooting) option
1. In Outlook, go to the File tab, Options, Advanced.
2. Under Other, select or clear the Enable troubleshooting logging (requires restarting Outlook) check box.
3. Exit and restart Outlook.
c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Outlook Logging
- emailaddress-Outgoing-date-time.log (SMTP)
- emailaddress-Incoming-date-time.log (POP)
- IMAP-emailaddress-Incoming-date-time.log (IMAP)

Microsoft Outlook: Product info
Microsoft Outlook: support
What version of Outlook do I have?
- About Office: What version of Office am I using?
- How to determine Outlook version information 2003-2013
- Outlook and Outlook for Mac: Update File Versions
Install Office updates
Office Updates Release notes etc.
Export Windows Live Mail email, contacts, and calendar data to Outlook
"Attachment size exceeds the allowable limit" error when you add a large attachment to an email message in Outlook

Back up your email
- Export or backup email, contacts, and calendar to an Outlook .pst file
- Introduction to Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost)
- Find and transfer Outlook data files from one computer to another

Related Links:
Mail Server Settings
Mail FAQ
