Netro Support: Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows Subsystem for Linux allows you to run popular Linux distributions under Windows 10 verson 1607 (Anniversary Update) or later, such as Ubuntu & Debian GNU/Linux.

1. Download latest version, e.g.:
Windows Store

2. Install popular packages
From Linux Command Prompt (cmd): e.g.
apt update ; apt install liblz4-tool pv whois

For help, use man (manual), e.g.:
man apt

To view package contents: e.g.:
dpkg -L wget

- Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation
- Install Ubuntu on Windows 10
- Wikipedia: Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Windows Command Line Tools For Developers e.g. PowerShell & BASH on Ubuntu for Windows
- What's new in WSL in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- What's new for the Command Line in Windows 10 version 1803
  - OpenSSH Feature-on-Demand
  - Tar and Curl Come to Windows!

Related links:

Updated Dec-18