Windows 95 - Configuring Dial-up Networking

Making a new connection

Click on Start, Programs, Accessories, then select Dial-up Networking. Double Click on Make New Connection



 Type Netro as the name of the new connection, select your modem from the drop down menu, then click on Next.

Type in the Area Code as 2, and the phone number as 9925 5800. Select Australia from the list of countries. Click on Next, then Click on Finish

You'll now be back in the Dial-up Networking group. You should see a new connection called Netro. Right-click on this connection, and select properties.

Click on Server Types. The settings should read as follows::

  • The server type is PPP: Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5, Internet
  • The only advanced option to be ticked is enable software compression
  • The only network protocol should be TCP/IP
Click on TCP/IP settings.
  • Our server wll automatically assign you an IP address, so select Server assigned IP address. If we have issued you with a permanent IP address, then select the other option, and type the address in.
  • You also need to Server assigned name server addresses
  • Ensure that both use IP header compression and use default gateway on remote network are ticked.
Click on OK until you get back to Dial-up Networking.

That's all for this section. The next step is Configuring a Web Browser.

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